Learn To Take Screenshots In All Devices

Screenshots are important in all aspects in a device and to we the crackers it is valuable because we use screenshots to explain steps to be carried out on a given task.

As of now many don't know how to take screenshots with their various devices like PC(laptop and desktop computers),iOS(iPhone),smart phones/android devices and java phones.

In this post Crackerwap has made it easy for you the crackers to take screenshots without stress.

First Device: Java Phones

Java phones don't take screenshots but we made it possible and came up with only one solution and this is done with the UC BROWSER HANDLER APP.

Steps To Take

  1. After the download,open the app 
  2. Open settings select screenshot type and select the path where you want it to be saved (recommended to select PNG for screenshot type to get quality shots)
  3.  To use the caller key to take screenshots input -10
  4. You are good to go

Second Device: Android Smartphone

This device, to take its screenshot is very common to many but still many don't know about it.

To take screenshots with an andriod device is very easy but some phones like Samsung and Sony changed its method 


  • All Android Device - Volume Down + Power Button  
  • For Samsung - Power + Home
  • For Sony Xperia - Press and hold power button to select screenshot or record screen 

Third Device: iOS / iPhone

To take screenshots on this device isn't that much different from Samsung phones just a slight thing is used to differentiate between them.

For iOS screenshots - press and hold sleep button immediately press and release the home button

Forth Device: Laptop / Desktop Computers

In PC to take its screenshot requires the use of the keyboard .
The keys to be press are: Windows + Prt Scn
But Windows 7 is different the keys are : Alt + Prt Scn

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